
5 Ways to Gain Instant Freedom


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#1 - Chuck Your Cell Phone in the River!

Well — you can at least pretend you are throwing it in the river for an hour, five hours, a day, or more. Have you ever felt an energy drain when going back and forth between looking at your smartphone and enjoying a dinner, a movie, exercise, or other activity?

Research has shown that taking your focus away from one activity and then throwing it into another fragments the mind and causes unneeded stress/frustration.

#2 - Delegate Responsibility & Simplify. 

Your story may be, "I do everything around here and no one helps. No one understands or wants to make my life easier."

Take a moment to look in the mirror and be real with yourself. Some of us create our own stress. We make things much harder than they need to be. We do and do and do, wishing that somebody would see how hard we work and all that we accomplish.

It is only when we stand up and say directly, “I need help!!!”, that we can get the relief and help we need.

You may want to journal about why you may be taking on so much and not asking for help more often — or demanding it for that matter.

Is it possible that in some strange and indirect way you gain worth by piling so much on your shoulders?

#3 - Do Something Out of Character 

It's easy to get caught in daily patterns that make you feel as though you are living groundhog day. You get up, eat, work, fix dinner, watch a bit of TV, and go to bed. Next day — do again.

Life is lived within a certain set of parameters. You wear the right things, act the right way, and try to please everyone.

But what if you did something that shocks everyone (within reason of course)? Do something that makes your soul come to life! Learn to surf, take a class you've always wanted to take, start a new business, take music lessons, you name it!

If you are normally the silent wallflower, start a blog and share your deepest thoughts and/or opinions with the world!

If you usually go to work wearing a drab suit, throw on something racy and see what happens. If you go through life each day without much energy and walk down the street looking at your feet, try your best to look up and create new energy.

Pay attention to how differently people react to you!

The moral of the story is — sometimes we get locked into a particular category and we begin to feel like we’ve lost our authenticity — or that we are required to play a particular role. When we mix it up a bit, we can’t help but feel a bit free!

#4 - Do Something You Loved to Do as a Kid

Drop all responsibility for a few hours or a day and go do something that you loved to do in your younger days.

We gain energy when we renew our wonder and connect with the child within. Don’t be afraid to act silly — ride your bike without holding onto the handlebars, do a cannonball into the pool, sing "It’s a Small World" at the top of your lungs, climb a tree, finger paint, build a fort, go fishing, visit your childhood home and neighborhood.

#5 - Take a Last Minute Trip

Traveling has the power to help us reset our lives and free our souls! You can jump into your car and drive a few towns away, find a last minute vacation deal online, throw a tent in your trunk and seek out a great campground, etc.

In the case that you have kids, how about secretly packing things up and then announcing out of the blue that you are all going on a weekend getaway.

Drop everything you are doing and just go! Or if you and your spouse need a getaway, make last-minute plans with the grandparents or a babysitter you trust and set out for an adventure. You may fear leaving the kids behind, but they will be OK once they get settled.

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These are only a handful of ideas — there are many more ways to gain freedom!

Whatever we do in life — we must constantly evaluate our actions and recognize that we are the creators of our realities and experiences!

Originally published at projectbebold.com.

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