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Self Care Is NOT Selfish!


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Self Care Is Not Selfish!

“Self care is not selfish. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.” - Eleanor Brown

Yes, I totally get it. Taking a moment of time to do something you love or that fuels your own can feel uncomfortable… and even selfish.

But, I’ve learned along the way that if I don’t care for myself, I’m truly useless to everyone around me.

And take it from me, a mommy-crab Cancer who thrives on nurturing my family to the nth degree!!! It hasn’t been easy for me to move into this headspace, but I’ve found it essential.

As women, wives, and mothers, we’re constantly nurturing everyone else and if we don’t care for ourselves one day we’ll inevitably wake up feeling weary, frustrated (maybe angry), resentful, unfocused, exhausted, and even lost.

Speaking for myself, I thrive most when I take time for self-care. With it, I'm a better nurturer to my children, my husband, my community, and my business.

My journey toward self-care has led me to create a routine for myself, I’m sharing with hopes that you’ll put yourself and your self-care on your “to do” list:

#1 - Write in a journal every day to get your feelings out.

Start with what you’re grateful for… then move on to what is giving you anxiety. What’s something you want to accomplish? What are your hopes and dreams? What are you doing right? What could you be doing better? How have your loved ones and friends affected you throughout the day?

I use the “5-minute journal” approach. Each morning and evening I write in my journal. It helps keep me balanced, organized, grateful, and calm.

Find a journal that speaks to your heart. I’d suggest starting with a blank slate, and then make it one of the most sacred parts of your daily routine.

#2 - Prioritize Exercise

A morning workout gets me going for the day. It helps me set the tone.

When I break a sweat and get my blood flowing, I seem to be more patient, positive, and energetic the rest of the day. And honestly, I’m a better mother to my babies — even if I can only get 15 minutes of exercise.

#3 - Schedule Some Personal Relaxing Time Once Per Week

Whether it's splurging and getting a massage, getting your nails done, sitting in bed watching a movie or your favorite show, or taking a long meditative walk by yourself, allow yourself the freedom to relax and rejuvenate.

#4 - Invest in Some Amazing Bath Bombs and Take a Long Bath

I’m hooked on bath bombs and find them a perfect way to reset my mind and body. My favorite bath bombs are from LUSH. They come in all different shapes and sizes… and they smell so delicious. I also love to light a calming scented candle while I soak in my bath.

#5 - Mask Your Face, Exfoliate, and Moisturize

I always feel so much better knowing my skin is getting some quality time!

While in a warm bath, try applying a luxurious mask to your face and use a luscious scrub on your body. Then, when you get out, treat your body to an ultra-nurturing moisturizer.

#6 - Plan a Romantic Date with Your Spouse

I look forward to going on dates with my hubby. Getting uninterrupted quality time with him always makes me so happy. We both feel so loved, cherished, energized, and connected when we can take time to enjoy each other.

#7 - Find Time for Friends

It’s so easy to disconnect from friends (unintentionally) as moms. Days go so quickly and there’s so much to accomplish. So, I find I have to go out of my way to plan to connect with my soul sisters.

Time with my girlfriends really helps me reset. I love hearing their advice and opinions. Plus, it’s amazing to have a sounding board and support outside my family circle.

#8 - Buy Your Favorite Treats and Snacks

Don’t forget to enjoy snacks and foods that you enjoy! This may sound funny at first when you read it, but as moms we often only think about what our kids and partner wants most.

Some of my favorite snacks are not as healthy as I wished (like baked goods #cupcakes #cookies), but I love them, and they make me happy. Indulging once in a while is a good idea for us all! My favorite is to enjoy my delicious snack while watching a good show or movie.

#9 - Do Something That Makes You Laugh

Watch a funny movie, go to a comedy show, spend time with friends that make you giggle, and laugh with your other half! We all need to have some fun and loosen up!!

#10 - Do at Least One Thing That Pleases You Every Day

I love baking with my kids, having a glass of wine with my husband, reading a good book, online shopping, learning new makeup techniques, Facetiming with my mom, enjoying a cup of tea and a cookie… and the list goes on.

Final Thoughts

As we all go through our days let’s make a pact together…

Let’s promise ourselves that we won’t forget what lives within each of us. Beyond being committed moms, partners, businesswomen, etc, lies our uniqueness  — the things that make us individuals with meaningful needs. May we all take time for self-care, as we then have everything we need to better nurture the world around us.

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