
Powerful Parenting Advice from My Family and Friends


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Powerful Parenting Advice from My Family and Friends

One of the most beautiful parts of being alive is the realization that I'm surrounded by amazing human beings who have knowledge that I can learn from.

I have an extremely open dialogue with my friends and family, and thankfully they openly share their experiences with me, especially surrounding raising children. Their tips have been so helpful over the years that I asked them to share their parenting methods and musings, so that you too may benefit from their wisdom. Please give their thoughts a read and then consider sharing your own thoughts on successfully raising children.

First, I want to begin by sharing my favorite quote of all time:

"Speak to your children as if they are the wisest, kindest, most beautiful and magical humans on earth, for what they believe is what they become." — Brooke Hampton

Now, let's jump into the lessons I've learned from them:

#1 - From My Husband, Sean

"Savor every moment with your children because time really does move too fast."

It's so easy to forget how quickly time is moving. Whenever I find myself losing sight of the value of THE MOMENT I try to hear Sean's words ring through my mind. I want to be there for every stage with my children, as I know that I can never get them back.

#2 - From My Friend, Charity

"Don’t get caught up with getting your kids involved in so much that you end up being a taxi and not a parent. If you spend all your time running them from sport to tutor to piano, you lose precious time to bake cookies, have conversations, and to allow them to just be kids."

#3 - From My Friend, Karen

"Teach your children to be kind by example and love the crap out of them.”

#4 - From My Mother, Kelly

“Love your children unconditionally, exactly the way they are.” 

#5 - From My Bestie, Leyla

“Focus on the good. Don’t dwell on the bad. Every child will make mistakes and there’s a time and a place for discipline, but by only focusing on the bad things your child does and trying to remedy that, you may lose the wonderful opportunities to notice and reward the good. Plus, for a child that seeks attention, by only giving your attention to the bad stuff, that child will instinctively do more bad to continue to get your attention. Catch your kids being good and you may just notice more good behavior. Give them affirmations by smiling, giving them a big hug or kiss or a simple “great job, honey!” 

#6 - My Father, John

Enjoy every second of raising your kids, because in a blink of an eye they are all grown up.” 

#7 - From My Friend, Andi

“I think the best is to trust your mom instinct and trust you know your baby. But specifically, the best advice I ever received was sleep when the baby sleeps.” 

#8 - From My Friend, Sue

"Teach and expose your children to God.” 

#9 - From My Friend, Andy

“It’s simple, but I think my best piece of advice would be to always tuck your kids into bed, kiss them goodnight and tell them you love them. Days get busier every year that they get older. Their routines change and so do yours. Sometimes life can get hectic and as parents we always want to be perfect but feel like we’re falling short somewhere or not paying enough attention. (Usually our own imagination). For me this routine has always made me feel like no matter what happened throughout the day I’m taking a pause to tell them I love them and giving them a few minutes of undivided attention. It’s also a great time to see if something seems off in their emotional well being and talk about it with them. Or just talk about something great that happened that day. It’s simple, but they grow up fast and eventually get to an age where they go to school or have jobs and aren’t there to tuck in anymore."

#10- From My Step Father, Duane

“Teach your children good values and morals from day one. Be involved in everything they do and explore their passions.”

#11- From My Friends, Mahsa and Kevin

“The greatest parenting advice we have ever been given was to differentiate the child and his behavior. ‘You’re a good boy Preston, but that is bad boy behavior.’ We were taught to make sure our kids know they are loved even if they are in trouble. That is the most important thing. Kids don’t mind getting in trouble and having a punishment but they NEED to hear they're LOVED no matter what.” 

#12 - From My Brother, Dougie

“Never let your kids see you angry or upset. Protect their innocence, especially when they are young, let them think the world is made up of gum balls and unicorns.” 

#13 - From Your's Truly, Casey

“From the second they are born, constantly touch, hug, kiss, hold, and nurture your children. Show them love in every way you are capable. Tell them every night before they go to bed how proud you are of them, how much you love them, and why they are so special and unique. Lead with love and teach them the importance of kindness, compassion, and empathy towards others."

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