
My Six Morning Rituals and Why They're Important


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In my mind, morning rituals are so important. They're what sets the tone for the day and helps build the energy and positivity we need to succeed.

The following are my morning rituals. It took me some time to get them down, but once I did, I noticed a huge difference in my overall energy and wellbeing. I'm hoping that you'll gain some inspiration from them and find the perfect mix of morning rituals to fit your own needs.

#1 - Practice Gratittude

The first thing I do every morning when I open my eyes is practice gratitude.

I say a prayer and thank God and the universe for all of my blessings — for keeping me safe, healthy, and protected.

I am so grateful for my beautiful life, incredible husband, and amazing babies.

This is also the time I close my eyes and say a little prayer to my dad (who recently passed away) in heaven and tell him how much I love and miss him.

#2 - Drink Water

Next, I drink a glass of warm water with squeezed lemon. I've been doing this for years to improve my hydration and maintain the pH balance in my body.

It's amazing for detoxifying, digestion, and skin quality as well. I love how simple it is, and it literally sets the tone for my day. 

#3 - Drink My Greens

After my warm water and lemon, I drink powdered greens on an empty stomach to optimize nutrition absorption. My favorite is athletic greens. It's full of vitamins and minerals that our bodies need for immunity, energy, gut heath, and anti-aging. 

#4 - Drink My Coffee

I'm an absolute coffee lover, and I have a cup of coffee before I can function. After doing a bit of research on coffee, I was happy to learn that a cup of coffee a day may help us live longer, helps detoxify the liver, keeps the colon happy, and more.

I love drinking organic Kion coffee with Califia Farms Almond Milk Creamer. I love Kion because it's fresh, clean, mold-free, and toxin-free.

#5 - Plan Out My Day

After I enjoy my coffee and can think clearly, I sit down and go over my day. This includes my children's schedule and activities, my meetings and appointments, events I'm attending, and more.

I'm a very organized person when it comes to my family's schedule. I write everything out on a calendar that stays visible in the kitchen. I also have everything digitally on my phone.

#6 - Stretch, Breathe, and Workout

Once my children are settled, I take some time to myself to stretch and breathe. I love doing this to get my body warmed up for a workout.

Working out is so good for our minds, bodies, and souls. It not only keeps me physically strong, it keeps me mentally and emotionally strong as well.

Last Words

After I complete my morning rituals, I jump into the shower and get ready to take on the day.

For me, this is the most ideal set of rituals that leave me inspired, nurtured, and motivated. Yours may not be exactly the same, but as you build your own morning rituals, you'll probably notice that you may need to adjust the time you normally wake up.

Depending on your new rituals, you'll probably need to get up earlier than you're used to. Also, as you begin to live them out day by day, don't be surprised if you find yourself wanting to add more time to the mix. It's all up to you! 🙂

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