
Deliciously Moisturizing DIY Green Tea Facial Mist


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Perfect for the springtime and summer, this DIY face mist will cool you down instantly and the green tea will leave you feeling invigorated.

Green tea is a highly effective ingredient that scavenges for free radicals in your skin to protect it from damage. It’s one of the main reasons why green tea extract is found in so many anti-aging products.

Thankfully, you can enjoy it straight from your favorite tea bag. When combined with vitamin E oil, the anti-aging and nurturing effects are powerful!


  • 1 green tea bag
  • 1 mug of just boiled water
  • 2.2 oz bottle of vitamin E oil
  • 1 plastic or glass spray bottle


  1. Steep a bag of green tea in a mug of boiled water.
  2. Pour the steeped tea in a plastic or glass spray bottle of your choice after it has cooled.
  3. Add vitamin E oil bottle to spray bottle.
  4. Shake up!

Store in your medicine cabinet or in the fridge. Use daily as much as you'd like!

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