Sometimes we human beings wake up gasping for breath in the early morning because we fear what's happening in our worlds and what tomorrow will bring. As we all know, this can easily take us away from what matters most in our lives. The simple, yet profound joys that make life worth celebrating.
Just to keep things in perspective, I've outlined five reasons why we shouldn't take life too seriously. They're just some simple musings that I hope will help put things into perspective.
When we take life too seriously...
#1 - We Don't Laugh Enough
A life without fall off the couch, tummy tickling belly laughter isn’t a healthy one. According to research, laughter boosts your immune system, reduces stress hormones, helps prevent heart disease and eases muscle tension.
2 - We Don't Take Enough Chances
Great things can only come when we are free enough to follow our dreams and go for it!
#3 - We Forget the Child Within
The child within needs to be given a chance to thrive! When we begin to listen to its desires, we’ll enjoy more sunsets, take time to smell the roses, climb trees, and dare to be free.
#4 - We Hold on Too Tightly to Our Fears
In holding on too tight, we lose ourselves and get caught into a system of fear based living. And when we live in fear, we push people away and do things to undermine our success. It's in learning to let go that we find true life and love.
#5 - We Worry Too Much About How Others Perceive Us
How can we be free and authentic when we are so worried about perfection — the wrinkles on our brow, the house we live in, or what people think. It’s the soul that matters most!!
And when we nurture our souls – there is light that shines within our eyes, a skip in our step. We're able to touch and inspire each other.
A couple of days ago, I sat outside with my neighbor Valerie watching her 4-year-old daughter dance to Beyoncé in the driveway with a couple other children her age. They giggled, sang, and twirled around without a care in the world. We adults looked at each other and laughed out loud. Deep down inside I wished that I could be just as foot loose and fancy-free. I recalled the days in which I played so hard as a child, that when bedtime came around I was so exhausted that I fell asleep the second my head hit the pillow.
It then occurred to me that I can still experience the same satisfaction in my adult life after a long day of play. I just have to make time for it and enjoy.
Let's dare ourselves to not take life too seriously — to laugh and play and be free!