
Fun Ideas for Your Lover on Valentine’s Day


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One of the things I love most about Valentine's Day is that you can have lots and lots of fun with it. Thinking outside of the box is something both Sean and I love to do to celebrate the occasion.

In an effort to inspire you to try something fun and new, I've compiled a list of items you may want to incorporate into your day and evening.

#1 - Breakfast in Bed

Being served breakfast in bed is absolutely luxurious. It's one of the favorite things my husband surprises me with. I love the thought he puts into planning it and showing how much he cares. Here is a perfect accessory for breakfast in bed: the cutest serving tray.

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#2 - Sweet and Romantic Coupons for Couples

A loving little book of coupons to set your lovers heart ablaze! These are perfect for surprising your partner because there are 20 random acts of romance IOU vouchers. 


#3 - "What I Love About You" Journal

This little book has fill in the blank lines to let you express how much you adore your loved one. Its a gift your partner can keep forever.

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#4 - "Better Together" Intimacy Card Deck

This conversation card game is a perfect way to connect with your partner and learn more about them on an intimate level. Grab an amazing bottle of wine and start asking questions!

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#5 - Home Cooked Meal

It's been long said, “The way to a mans heart is through his stomach.” That quote is very true when it comes to my husband. He loves and appreciates when I make him a special home cooked meal. Our favorite is to pick out a special bottle of wine, set the table beautifully, and enjoy a delicious meal together. 

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#6 - Massage

Massages are so sensual and sexy when the massage is being given by your lover. A candle that melts into oil makes it even sexier. After lighting the candle, it will gradually transform into a warm, moisturizing, and fragrant massage oil that can be used on the skin.

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7. Sex Checks

This is more on the risqué side of things, but these sex checks are hilarious, creative, kinky, fun, and sexy. They are filled with IOU’s and UOME’s lol! 


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