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Children's Books That Promote Kindness


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In raising my children, I've found that books are the most amazing and profound learning devices. I am so grateful my children love reading them because, not only do they make them think, I can see their hearts in their eyes as they lovingly take in the stories they hear.

In an effort to highlight some of my favorite books that promote kindness, I've selected the following eight books. My children have fallen in love with them and learned so many amazing lessons that I know will follow them through life.

I hope your children will love them as much as mine do!

#1 - Personalized Acts of Kindness for Kids

This sweet book by Jennifer Dewing empowers children to perform simple acts of kindness to change the world — such as using manners, doing chores, standing up against a bully, writing love notes, and baking cookies, showing love to other children.

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#2 - Kindness Makes Us Strong

This story shows children from all different backgrounds expressing and extending kindness in everyday situations to everyone they meet. Writer Sophie Beer illustrates that respect, love, and kindness makes us all stronger!

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#3 - Dream Big, Little One

Author Vashti Harrison shares stories about women who have contributed to making the world a better place. It's about dreaming big no matter what. So very inspiring!

dream big little one

#4 - How Full Is Your Bucket?

This book by Tom Rath and Mary Reckmeyer helps children understand how their words and actions can make others feel. Kind words and actions “fill” their bucket while mean and hurtful words “dip” from their bucket. This book is amazing because it teaches children respect, sharing, and kindness. 


#5 - Stick and Stone

Written by Beth Ferry and Tom Lichtenheld, this book cultivates joy and empathy for others while teaching children that kindness and love can be shown in many different ways.

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#6 - How to be a friend!

This is a beautiful story about being a good friend to others and how to be kind in tough situations when dealing with friendships.


#7 - Secretly Do Good Deeds

An incredible story by Melody Carlson about how doing small random acts of kindness for others feels so good for our own hearts. Making others happy can also make us happy as well. 

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#8 - We're Different, We're the Same

This is a book that teaches children that we are all alike on the inside. We may look different on the outside, but we all have the same feelings, needs, emotions, and desires.

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