
8 Inspirational Words That Will Instantly Lift Your Spirit


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Each and every day we're faced with challenges (and sometimes some pretty dark moments), but thankfully all it takes is a shift in perspective to completely turn things around.

How are you doing today? Do you find yourself in a moment of weakness? Are you worried as to what the future has to offer?

If so, how about finding some quiet time in which you can recalibrate and find strength. In that quiet time, consider meditating on the following words. In my mind, these words are reflective of the most important parts of life.

#1 - Love

When life gets you down, meditating on love can make all the difference in the world. Think of your friends and family who mean the world to you.

The act of love is perhaps THE most important thing we can do. It makes life worth living!

#2 - Now

There is no time more important than this moment.


Everything that has happened in the past has come and gone, and everything that will happen in the future is unknown.

The secret to pure freedom is immersing yourself in the present moment — no matter what is going on.

If you're spending time with a friend, listen to him or her deeply. Be fully there. If you're working on a project, do your very best. If you're making dinner, go the extra mile to make your meal nutritious and delicious.


Don't be pulled into 20 different directions. Tackle one thing at a time and savor each experience. One moment will become the next — and you'll rest easy knowing that you did your very best NOW.

#3 - Hope

Hope gives you wings.

No matter how tough or unpredictable life gets, hope for beautiful things in life (for you, your family, friends, and work) makes the future worthwhile. Of course, stay rooted in the moment, but don't lose sight of your dreams.

#4 - Kindness

Be kind to yourself.

Be kind to others.

Be kind to the earth.

In order to be kind, you must connect with your heart and actively choose to be grateful for being alive.

Being kind to yourself means that you are willing to look beyond the moments of failure and the times that others have failed you. It's about digging deep into the most sacred part of your being to offer others moments of grace.

#5 - Forgive

Speaking of those who have failed you, how about forgiving them? How about forgiving yourself?

Unless you forgive, there are very few things you can truly accomplish in life. No human being (including you or me) is perfect. The idea of perfection is a mirage that usually ends in frustration/desperation.

Forgiveness is the most precious gift you can give anyone... and when you forgive, you receive true freedom.

#6 - Gift

You are a gift.

Life is a gift.

Think about giving a gift to someone you love.

And don't forget that you have gifts! You are a gift to the world and to others.

#7 - Child

Search deep within your heart and soul to find your inner-child. Once upon a time, you were a youngster with dreams and vision. Maybe you believed that anything was possible!

Regain your playfulness and have some fun! Where did we ever get the idea that we have to be so serious and give up the things that make our heart soar?

#8 - Grateful

Being grateful is so important! No matter how challenging things may become, dare to focus on the things that are going right rather than those that are going wrong.

Give thanks for the sun that rises each and every day. Thank the flowers for blooming without fail. Tell everyone in your life how much they mean to you.

Focus on the seemingly mundane (yet profound) things that are so easy to take for granted. Consider writing down what we're grateful for when you wake up in the morning.

Last Thoughts

All of the above words and thoughts really come down to getting back to basics. Its in daring to connect with the deepest part of who you are so that you can love more fully and unconditionally and experience life more directly.

It all starts now.

You've got this!

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