It's easy to get overwhelmed with the numerous things we all juggle throughout our daily routines. Sometimes I find my mood sagging a bit, and realize I need to make some quick adjustments or risk slipping into feeling worse.
As I've evolved, over the years, I know that being human comes with ups and downs (and I'm okay with this) — that moods ebb and flow like the ocean tides.
I've also learned that I can take measured actions (in any moment) to transform how I'm feeling and perceiving the world around me. I've literally mapped out goto's for the moments I feel a mood creeping in.
I find that the following actions make a huge difference for me, and hope they will give you some ideas as well. Plus, please share your own ideas in the comments' section at the end of this article:
#1 - Do something nice for someone else.
I'll send flowers to a family member, write a nice note, compliment a friend, donate to a cause near and dear to my heart, surprise Sean with something he didn't expect (like a delicious dinner, a massage, or a simple gesture that I know he appreciates), or buy a stranger behind me coffee.
#2 - Move the bod.
When I'm feeling down, I find that a walk, bike ride, yoga, or a hike in the hills does wonders. Sometimes I forget how wonderful fresh air can be when I'm out walking or hiking!
#3 - Take account for what we're thankful for.
Each and every day I'm amazed at all the beauty that surrounds me... when I open my eyes to see! It's easy to take things for granted. I try to write down in my journal what I'm thankful for... to remember how blessed and lucky I am to be alive and breathing.
Even at this moment, if I close my mind and think of the people in my life (those who love and support me), it makes me so happy.
#4 - Reach out to a friend or family member.
As I go through my days, there are moments that I realize I need to connect with a positive friend or family member for a good laugh or to work through things that may be a challenge for me.
Sometimes life gets so hectic and stressful we can all become islands unto ourselves, but we've got to remind ourselves how important connection truly is.
#5 - Take a moment to self care.
I'm a huge advocate of self care. You'll hear me talk about this time and time again. The reason I feel so strongly about this is from first hand experience, when I get to busy and fail to care for my mind, body, and soul, I'm no good to anyone.
Dare to stop time and space for just an hour or two and take a hot bath, enjoy a face mask, take a nap, watch your favorite show, read, and journal.
It's in these quiet moments that we can truly reconnect with our true, beautiful selves.
#6 - Enjoy a beautiful meal.
Whether you choose to go out and have dinner or prepare one of your favorite dishes, food can do wonders to boost the mind and body.
I love the principle of eating as a meditation. It's amazing how slowing down and focusing on the aromas and flavors of a meal can make the experience so much more enjoyable and meaningful.
Last Thoughts...
These tips are just the tip of the iceberg, but my hope is that we can all work together to find simple joys that remind us how lucky we are to be alive.
I'd love for you to add to this list! Please comment below or send me your tips for boosting your mood.
And please, if you find that your mood is low more often than not, consider seeking professional guidance. Don't feel that reaching out for help is a sign of failure or weakness. We all need support at various stages in our lives.
Sending love and light to you all!
Thank you for reminding me to give myself permission to take care of myself.
Thank you for these great reminders. I like to write Haikus-- a Japanese form of poetry in three lines of five, seven, and five. I just plunk myself down, notice what's around me and write one or two of them. It's make me stop and be present in the moment and notice the small things.
You’re an strong and nice woman ❤️So proud of u
All so true, Casey. I love the suggestion to do something kind for someone else.
wonderful advice Casey, going to do my best to put a few into action.