November 15, 2020

You Matter

Sometimes things seem overwhelming...

We're pushed to our limits as we attempt to be the perfect version of ourselves each and every day. We go to sleep and more often than we'd like to admit... staring at the ceiling unable to sleep — anticipating what tomorrow will bring.

And in all of this, it's so easy to lose ourselves. To forget that we matter. You matter.

Your thoughts matter... your ideas... your hopes... your dreams... your fears too. It's easy to forget that every fiber that makes you... you... has been put on this earth to contribute something so very valuable and beautiful. Our to-do lists, fears, and apprehensions can be monsters that make us forget.

If you find yourself in a moment in time where things aren't making much sense, try taking a step back... take a breath... go on a walk... take a peek at the stars... dare to stare at the sun for a few moments to remind yourself that you're oh so live.

You've got this... you matter.

It's going to be okay.

- Daily Luv